
June 25, 2016


This documentary shows all sorts of elements of teeth and its cultural use – from denture to etchings, paintings, fashion accessories, and contemporary art. It discusses the fear of the dentist, shamefulness for rotten teeth, cultural expressions, and new technologies to make teeth.

The largest dental collection in Europe, located in the University Museum of Utrecht (the Netherlands), is the core of the documentary. We see by old prostheses how a primitive idea of ​​teeth and dentistry is developing to our contemporary understanding of oral care. Not only dentists but also artists, musicians, designers, and storytellers have examined the human dentition.

The skills, the handicraft of dentists and prosthetists, lead us to the many artists inspired by teeth. The dental universe evokes amazement and the sum of all these images and stories shows that teeth are omnipresent.

script & director Ine Poppe | Koert Davidse

PBS RTV Utrecht | supported by the Dutch Cultural Media Fund, Amsterdam Fund for the Arts, Dutch Magazine for Dental Sciences & Prince Bernhard Fund for Culture
April 13, 2016

the Modular Body

seriousFilm presents an online science fiction story by Floris Kaayk


went live on Wednesday April, 13 2016 | the modular body

During the 2016 edition of the Netherlands Film Festival The Modular Body has won Het Gouden Kalf, in the section ‘interactive’. Congratulations Floris Kaayk, congratulations to all involved in this inspiring project.

Following international acclaim for the video clip of rock band De Staat’s Witch Doctor (2015) and de transmedia productions Rayish Footwear (2013) and Human Birdwings (2012), Floris Kaayk now presents THE MODULAR BODY, going live on 13 April.

On his own initiative , scientist Cornelis Vlasman experiments with organic materials in his independent laboratory. He is obsessed with the question: ‘What if the human body would not be a closed system, but instead a modular design with separate parts?’ Using his own body cells he created a new organism with a beating heart, lungs and exchangeable limbs. He names it OSCAR.

The Modular Body is an online science fiction archive allowing viewers to explore fragments from Vlasman’s research — with music by Machinefabriek. Designed in collaboration with Lustlab.

THE MODULAR BODY is a seriousFilm production, co-produced with the VPRO, with financial support from the Netherlands Media Fund, Creative Industries Fund, Fonds 21 and STROOM.
June 12, 2015


animated short (10 mins)

Voltaire is a rusty, insecure weathercock on a measly little chappel in the countryside, he takes his chance to move up to the cathedral of the city, once there he is witness to a brutal assassination and forced to conquer his fears and become self-assertive

director Jan Snoekx
co-producer Walking the Dog Brussels Frederik Nicolai and Frédéric Dirickx

supported by the Netherlands Film Fund and Flemish Audiovisual Fund
February 9, 2015

Martin Lodewijk and the Last Page funding for the documentary Martin Lodewijk and the Last Page by director Koert Davidse has been concluded succesfully

cartoonist Martin Lodewijk is best known for his famous creation Agent 327 for more than 50 years Martin Lodewijk has been working in the Dutch comic world as a cartoonist, script writer and as editor of the main Dutch comic magazines, Lodewijk has now finished a new album of Agent 327

director Koert Davidse
script Koert Davidse | Erik Quint
director of photography Jefrim Rothuizen
sound recordist Diego van Uden
editor Tim Roza
VFX Urrebuk Sander Alt
music Paleis van Boem
sound post-production Wiebe de Boer
grading | delivery Barend Onneweer

commissioning editor RTV Rijnmond Cees van der Wel
commissioning editor NTR Oscar van der Kroon

PBS RTV Rijnmond | NTR
supported by Dutch Cultural Media Fund | stichting Bevordering van Volkskracht |

January 28, 2015


CROWDS (2014, 6 mins as a result of the REALIA development) a non-linear cosmology by visual artist Geert Mul | programming Carlo Prelz | music Michel Banabila

supported by the Netherlands Film Fund, CBK Rotterdam, and Arts & Culture of the City of Rotterdam festivals International Film Festival Rotterdam 2015 world premiere
September 27, 2014


short documentary (25 minutes) by Marieke Wijnen

director Marieke Wijnen portrays a Dutch idealist couple who live self-sufficiently in France

in co-production with the NTR (as part of the Doc25 programme of the Netherlands Media Fund)

the song used in the credits – by composer Evelien van den Broek – can heared at soundcloud. Enjoy.

September 25, 2014


experimental documentary (30 minutes)

experimental documentary on the inevitable  isolation at old age

script & director Marc Schmidt
director of photography Stefano Bertacchini
sound recordist Diego van Uden
editor Nico Leunen
music Yorick Goldewijk

supported by the Netherlands Film Fund and Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds
a co-production with Off World Brussels

Inside has premiered – in competition – during the Netherlands Film Festival in 2014 (Dutch title: Verzonken)

September 1, 2014

Last Words

documentary short (29 mins) directed by Koert Davidse

linguist-philologist Mark Janse discovers speakers of the Cappadocian language – previously assumed extinct, linguists worldwide are exhilarated at the discovery, but Janse realizes the rediscovered language is doomed to die anyway

script | director Koert Davidse
director of photography Ton Peters NSC
sound recordist Mark Wessner
music Michel Banabila
sound design Bart Jilesen
grading | delivery Laurent Fluttert (@ Het Raam)

supported by the Netherlands Film Fund, SNS REAAL FONDS and Universiteit Gent

the film can be screened on our vimeo-channel, click here

August 19, 2014

Never a Dull Moment

documentary (52 minutes for television | 91 minutes for theatrical release)

Never a Dull Moment is a film about individual resilience in the most turbulent period of the 20th century

at the same time, it’s the record of an adventurous life that is richly documented and meticulously archived by protagonist Sam Waagenaar himself: his personal documents in albums, the countless photographs he took and an unpublished autobiography

these make the events that Waagenaar saw and described in his autobiography an individual experience; a personal narrative that makes history tangible

Never a Dull Moment is a film based on the photography and autobiography of Sam Waagenaar

director Pim Zwier co-operates with Waagenaar’s family and the Netherlands Photo Museum to disclose his life and works for our audiences

supported by the Netherlands Film Fund, the Amsterdam Arts Fund, and the VSB-fund
co-produced with the Jewish Broadcaster