
June 7, 2009

They are Giants | Ellos son Gigantes

documentary short (12 mins)

to hold the world in one hand; isn’t that what many people dream of?
to realize this, one can try to miniaturize it; Guus Thurkow comes close…

part two in a series of three documentary shorts on collectors and their collections

selected for Dutch Film Festival 2009, FIFA – International Festvial of films on Art (Montreal – March 2010), Silverdocs (Silverspring/Maryland USA – June 2010), The Hamptons International Film Festival (New York – October 2010), shnit Film Festival (Bern – October 2010), Ozu Film Festival (Sassuolo | Italy – 29, 30,31 October 2010)

director Koert Davidse
director of photography Edwin Verstegen
sound Diego van Uden
editing Luce van de Weg
sound design Bart Jilesen
music Esteve Molero Olivella
producers Marc Thelosen, Koert Davidse & Yan Ting Yuen

this film was supported by the Netherlands Film Fund & Rotterdam Media Fund
DVD available (Dutch and international version), price (incl. P&P) € 12,-
for more information, please contact
June 7, 2008

1835+1 | the Website

website for the the 1953 Flood National Monument

1835+1 is an interactive monument in memory of the victims of the flood in 1953

concept Koert Davidse & Roel Wouters
producers Marc Thelosen, Koert Davidse & Yan Ting Yuen
supported by Dutch Media Fund, Mondrian Foundation & VSB Fund
June 7, 2008

Seven Years of Observation

music video (4 minutes)

for the music of singer / songwriter Lucky Fonz III shot in Liege

director Dick Verdult
director of photographie Edwin Verstegen

7YOO is selected for the 2008 International Amsterdam Film Festival, in competition for the KOSMOPOLIS HERO AWARD FOR MOST CUTTING-EDGE DUTCH MUSIC VIDEO, screening: Saturday October 18 at 22:00 at de Balie

supported by Tax videoclips fund & Rotterdam Film Fund
DVD available (Dutch and international version), price (incl. P&P) € 12,-
for more information, please contact
June 7, 2008

His Lost Land

documentary (52 mins)

In 1958, the 6 year old Frits Sahertian witnesses a terrifying shooting, six Moluccans are shot by the Dutch police force in the Moluccan Barracks in Westkapelle, a village in the south of the Netherlands. This event will determine the rest of his life.

His Lost Land has been screened at Film by the sea, Documentarist (Istanbul),  Dutch Film Festival (Utrecht)

script & director Koert Davidse
director of photography Ton Peters
sound Diego van Uden
editing Luce van de Weg
sound design Bart Jilesen
music Paleis van Boem
producers Marc Thelosen, Koert Davidse & Yan Ting Yuen

co-producer Omroep Zeeland

supported by stichting het Gebaar, Thuiskopie Fonds, Rotterdam Film Fund & VSB Fonds
developed with the support of Dutch Media Fund
DVD available (Dutch and international version), price (incl. P&P) € 12,-
for more information, please contact
June 7, 2008

Herman Brood | a Star Like Me

documentary (52 minutes)

or: how a shy boy with long hair and a pair of John Lennon glasses joined the Dutch blues legends Cuby & the Blizzards and how he went from hipster in the 60s to become the most beloved rock ‘n roll star in the Netherlands a portrait of a star, made by using archive materials only

director Peter Scholten
editor Albert Markus
producers Marc Thelosen, Koert Davidse & Yan Ting Yuen
co-producers RTV Noord-Holland & NPS Television

DVD available (Dutch and international version), price (incl. P&P) € 12,-
for more information, please contact
supported by Dutch Media Fund & Rotterdam Film Fund
June 7, 2008

Come Spring

a short film by Cindy Jansen (23 mins)

a man leads a double life. Outside office hours he is a maniac who kidnaps women, locks them away for a few days and beats them up before the kill. He is extremely preoccupied with the correct way of carrying out his fantasy, but one day a young woman does not stick to the rules of his game!

script & director Cindy Jansen
with Bram Coopmans and Wendell Jaspers
this film was supported by the Netherlands Film Fund & Rotterdam Media Fund
June 7, 2007

Great Firewall of China


Test tool and online watchdog website for the current censorship of Chinese internet

concept Yan Ting Yuen & Jonas Vorwerk
interaction designer Jonas Vorwerk
producers Marc Thelosen, Koert Davidse & Yan Ting Yuen
supported by Dutch Media Fund, Rotterdam Film Fund, Digitale Pioniers & Initworks

selected for transmediale07 & DEAF07
June 7, 2007

Dinner with Murakami

documentary (55 mins)

about the magical world of Japanese bestselling author Haruki Murakami

Dinner with Murakami has been screened at DOKU.ARTS festival in Berlin  and at CPHDOX in Denmark.

script & director Yan Ting Yuen
director of photography Maasja Ooms
sound Rick Meier
editor Stefan Kamp
music & sound editing Soundpalette
producers Marc Thelosen, Koert Davidse & Yan Ting Yuen
co-producer VPRO Television

supported by Dutch Media Fund, Rotterdam Film Fund, Thuiskopie Fonds & Jalpak
DVD available (Dutch and international version), price (incl. P&P) € 12,-
for more information, please contact
June 7, 2007

the World as a Collection

short documentary (12 mins)

the World as a Collection is a portrait of the remarkable, Amsterdam based artist-collectioneur Erik Fens

selected for 18th Sao Paolo ISFF, Dutch Film Festival 2007 (competition), Interfilm Berlin 2007, Short Cuts Cologne, FIPA Biarritz, MoMA (Museum of Modern Art, New York), Mediawave (Hungary), Competition of the 12th Ismailia International Festival for Documentary & Short Films 2008 (Giza Egypt), FIFA – International Festival of Films on Art (Montreal), Int. Short filmfestival Shnit (Bern), Alter-Native 17 Int. Short Film Festival (Tg.-Mures, Romania) and in 2008 theatrically released by Cinema Delicatessen in Dutch cinemas

script & director Koert Davidse
director of photography Edwin Verstegen
sound Ab Grooters
editing Luce van de Weg
sound design Bart Jilesen
music Esteve Molero Olivella
producers Marc Thelosen, Koert Davidse & Yan Ting Yuen

supported by Rotterdam Film Fund, Thuiskopiefonds & Amsterdam Fund for the Arts
DVD available (Dutch and international version), price (incl. P&P) € 12,-
for more information, please contact